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How to Put on a Condom

3m 1s
United States
Produced by: UNKNOWN

A condom is the only form of protection which will both help stop the spread of STIs and prevent pregnancy. You should use a condom every time you have sex - this film will show you how to put on a condom.

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Comment(s) On:
How to Put on a Condom

Posted by SteveK (209 days ago)
This is a male sexuality section. One would think you would use real life lesson i.e. a real penis and show it in use and after ejaculation... This is a YT version..
Posted by Anonymous (4100 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (4143 days ago)
Nice and useable education
Posted by Anonymous (4556 days ago)
very edicational
Posted by Anonymous (4564 days ago)
thank you
Posted by Anonymous (4779 days ago)
good education
Posted by Anonymous (4955 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (5058 days ago)