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(Sex)abled: Disability Uncensored

14m 33s
United States
Produced by: Amanda Hoffman

(Sex)abled celebrates people with disabilities as sexual beings. This 14-minute film made by San Francisco State University students features the bright and lively participants of the discussion panel sponsored by UC Berkeley's Disabled Students Union called “Are Cripples Screwed?” Enjoy engaging with Bay area community members and comedian Josh Blue (winner of Last Comic Standing) as they share their personal experiences with sex, dating and intimacy.

If you would like a DVD copy of this film, or you have any questions or comments to share with the filmmakers, please contact Amanda Hoffman at Your feedback is sincerely appreciated.


(Sex)abled is being used in classrooms and education centers across the U.S., in Canada, Australia, and in the U.S. Help fund distribution and development of much needed educational materials. It costs $6 to make and ship just one DVD in the U.S. Every dollar counts! PLEASE DONATE

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Comment(s) On:
(Sex)abled: Disability Uncensored

Posted by Anonymous (3942 days ago)
The level of development, civilisation and humaneness of a society can be determined by examining how it treats the vulnerable within it. That this kind of discussion is even on the table feels great for me.
Posted by Anonymous (4072 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (4166 days ago)
Would be nice if this were captioned for classroom use.
Posted by Anonymous (4344 days ago)
very intersting and usefull. I'll share the video with my students. This issue unfortunatelly is not at all considered in Italy
Posted by Anonymous (4411 days ago)
Great for those with physical disabilities. Hey, need more for those with Developmental & Physical Disabilities. A step beyond Puberty Ed. for Students with Special Needs from
Posted by Anonymous (4469 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (4474 days ago)
blokir open
Posted by Anonymous (4490 days ago)
Sex flem viwe
Posted by Anonymous (4498 days ago)
I admire everyone in this video. I wish I had the confidence that they have! XD
Posted by Anonymous (4547 days ago)
I think it's possible for one to view this video as hot AND understand the serious implications of the message. The people in this film ARE very attractive and they are talking about sex in a real way. Think about why you assumed they were making a joke. When I read that comment I agreed and didn't think it was meant to be mean. Check your assumptions.
Posted by Anonymous (4558 days ago)
Whoever said that this video is hot has something seriously wrong with them. This is an educational video meant to make disabled persons feel better, and more comfortable, about experiencing sexual behavior. This is serious, not meant to bring about jokes at the expense of the disabled persons.
Posted by Anonymous (4592 days ago)
Yeah, really wicked film. Pretty hot as well...just saying.
Posted by Anonymous (4599 days ago)
this is soooooooooooooooooooooo wierd
Posted by Anonymous (4620 days ago)
I wish it didn't buffer so often. I did find it an informative and it would be nice to see a follow-up on where some of the students are with relationships now in 2011. As a person with a disability I appreciate any information that I can get on sexuality considering it seems that some people tend to think of people with disabilities as asexual. Thank you for taking the time to showcase that people with disabilities also have sexual needs.
Posted by Anonymous (4625 days ago)
The film needs to have Closed Captioning.
Posted by Anonymous (4711 days ago)
Wow, I am a 29 year old female wheelchairbound with spinabifida and this video has really helped me with being more comfortable with myself and being intimate with my partner who is not physically or mentally challenged.Thank you for the eye opener.
Posted by Anonymous (4742 days ago)
We all have limits, some we choose, others we don't choose. Accepting and going beyond those limits can be important. In the movie "Butterflies are Free", a young lady said to her mother, "It's his eyes that don't work."
Posted by Anonymous (4753 days ago)
This is a fantastic video, and it was exciting to see one of the people portrayed was a finalist on Last Comic Standing last year. I can't wait to use it in an upcoming SAR. Thank you so much for posting this.
Posted by Anonymous (4804 days ago)
good film
Posted by Anonymous (4873 days ago)
sex is be alive.... just want to say you thank a lot for this video, we just finish a course of sexuality and disability at the National University of Nicaragua. We just began, that was the first program in the region that contemplate this course into a Disability University degree., was for medical school. I was the teacher, my name is PhD. Margarita Murillo, and I´m a international professor and consulted for sexual programs (came from Costa Rica and Panama). we try to do the best and to open all the minds of our societies. keep in contact. a big hug for your effort.
Posted by Anonymous (4894 days ago)
Thanks so much to Amanda Hoffman and all the wonderful participants in this awesome film!! Thanks also to SexSmartFilms, for posting this among the Free Videos -- by the way, it'll be great to see on your site that this film is being used in a university classroom in Brazil as well :)
Posted by Anonymous (4907 days ago)
This video is very well done! Thank you for creating this. My only wish is that it was captioned so the Deaf would be able to appreciate the film as much as I do.
Posted by Anonymous (4944 days ago)
Awesome video!! very well presented.
Posted by Anonymous (4993 days ago)
Kinnara thumbi
Posted by Anonymous (4995 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (5018 days ago)
Dear All, Our heartiest congratulations on an excellent piece of work. I have cerebral palsy and have been working on breaking down barriers and stereotypes in the UK for years. I have done workshops and presentations but I really enjoyed the way you have put this film together and I hope many more people see it and learn something from it. Good Luck Simon Wilson (
Posted by Anonymous (5020 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (5023 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (5047 days ago)
Dominika you're gorgeous and I love the way you put what sex is to you into words. I couldn't agree more. Hi from Australia.
Posted by Anonymous (5054 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (5059 days ago)
As a health care professional in home care, this video is going to broach and explain some of the most sensitive areas I've wanted to explore with my patients concerning sexuality. Excellent Excellent.
Posted by Anonymous (5102 days ago)
this is an excellent video. It conveys the correct mesaage that sex is not necessarily about reproduction.